Make room for the magic
Step back and let it flow
Fan the coals and embers
And let the magic grow

Welcome the unexpected
See what magic does transpire
Find the inspiration
That fuels your inner fire

Maybe it’s a sunset
Over blue majestic seas
Or maybe just reflection
Doing anything you please

Just create the invitation
For magic to arise
And go about your business
And wait for a surprise

About The Poem Make Room for the Magic

Make Room for the Magic is an inspirational poem about creating the space for things to happen and then simply just letting them happen. We often try to make everything purpose and it takes the magic out of the experience. We shouldn’t know everything that is going to happen. Some degree of predictability is a good thing, but we need some diversity and surprises. This isn’t just about events, it should be about our life. We tend to over schedule and over plan our lives so we fill up every minute of time.

It’s safer that way, but are you doing the things that you would have done if you hadn’t planned something? This is not to say sit around watching TV waiting for something miraculous to occur. Step out of your comfort zone, but don’t try to fill in all the blanks. Assume that you aren’t going to have all the answers. Be comfortable not knowing. You can drive across the entire country by only seeing about 250 feet in front of you.

Inspirational Poetry Books

Here are some of the books that are available from Robert Longley. I would recommend the Sacred Poem journals. Reading my earlier books (especially the ones for Military, Police and Firefighter’s families) cover to cover can be overwhelming. The poetry journals are designed to give you one poem per day while you journal about what might be going on in your life. There are specific journals for grief, success, and more.
Get inspirational poetry books by Robert Longley Here.

Inspirational Poetry Products

While I do signed poetry prints that are 11×14, that isn’t the size or product that all people want. Some just want a sympathy card, others may want a large canvas print, or maybe a coffee cup. There are limits to what I can customize with the options available so some products just don’t work. Please just ignore them, I know that that format doesn’t work. If you are looking for something specific, or would like to make something specific just let me know. I’m open to just about anything.
Get inspirational poetry products by Robert Longley here.