We stand up to the pressures
Of politics and war
Knowing there is uncertainty
About what may be in store

We stand up for ideals
That we hold close to our hearts
Defending life and freedom
And the teams we are a part

Some days can be easy
Under peaceful skies we sleep
But some days are much harder
Where collectively we weep

We prepare for the hard days
But we never are prepared
Remembering our brothers
And the good days that we shared

About This Inspirational Poem

A Hard Day is an inspirational poem about the Marines and Navy Corpsman who were killed in Afghanistan this week. A hard day was how General McKenzie described the event and I took it from there. I spent 8 years in the intelligence world so I’ve seen some of the inner workings of that part of the world. To put it simply, it’s messy. The rules we apply to society don’t apply there. I watched the Soviets toss in the towel and leave, and now it’s our turn. To assign blame to how badly this was orchestrated only adds insult to injury because this was never going to end well.

It is a tragedy for those who lost their lives this week, the Afghan people, and the memories of all those who have died there in the last 3 decades. The drawdown could have happened any time in the recent past. It may have gone down better or worse, but it probably wouldn’t have ended without loss of life. All we can do is pray for the families of those we lost and know they were doing their best for their country.

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